Welcome to the world of Integration Map, Inclusion in Youth work through Nature-based methods and Somatic practices.
Here you can find stories and results from our past projects & invitations for planned ones, inspiring resources and materials to the topic of embodied practices, pictures, videos and more.
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Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport. It runs for seven years, from 2014 to 2020, with organisations invited to apply for funding each year to undertake creative and worthwhile activities.
Erasmus+ aims to modernise education, training and youth work across Europe. It is open to education, training, youth and sport organisations across all sectors of lifelong learning, including school education, further and higher education, adult education and the youth sector. It offers exciting opportunities to study, work, volunteer, teach and train abroad.
For more information about the programme please visit the official website.
The Youthpass certificate helps to document the development of competences, as well as to confirm participation and describe the respective project. An essential part of the initiative is attention to the planning of the learning process and reflection upon the participants’ personal learning outcomes. As a strategy, it aims at fostering the recognition of non-formal learning and youth work.
The main ideas behind Youthpass are to enhance reflection on learning and competence development in youth work, receive greater recognition of youth work throughout Europe, support the employability of young people and youth workers, and promote active participation of young people.
For more information about Youthpass please visit the official website.
Centro didattico Valpore – Seren del Grappa
The project ”Integration Map“ was an 8 day days training course in the frame of Erasmus+ program that took place in Italy, from 15th to 22th of July 2021.
This training was designed for youth workers, trainers, educators, volunteers, people who work with/people through experiential and embodied methodologies, and generally for people who were willing to explore:
– Vulnerability: connecting with our inner self, beyond daily masks and armors;
– Creativity: encouraging body and mind to explore and express the inner beauty waiting to be awakened;
– Connection, inclusion and transformation: cultivating empathy and carefulness towards others and environment, becoming a source of positive transformation for the community.
During this training course we worked with:
– Somatic and kinesthetic learning – holistic based education and body expression;
– Connection with inner and outer nature – seeing nature as an inspiration for our lives;
– Soul based experiences and practices – discovering the inner gifts;
– Creativity expression – cultivating the deep imagination.
Integration Map - booklet
“The project was an amazing journey, during which I learned so many things about myself. After being lost for such a long time, I finally found myself both in me, as well as in each of the participants. Beautiful experience, a lot of learnings and still questions to be answered on my own, after coming back home to my daily world.”
“Integration Map made me sing for the first time after more than 20 years, helped me face my fears and my sinister shadow, embrace my wounded children, enjoy breathing alone and be able to read the signs the Universe has for me on my journey.
If you are in search for your natural self, this is a place to go. PG”
“It’s really difficult to explain it shortly. I went through my body, mind, soul and heart and tried to find to connection, discovered a new possibilities and dived deeper into.”
“If you need to experience yourself on your body and mind level, this is the right choice. I could reach your spirit, your soul.” D.M.
“Through exercises of a profound diversity, combining the use of the body, consciousness, the 5 senses, interaction with nature and participants etc. we have opened the doors to new perceptions of our relationship to the inner and outer worlds that are ours. PT”
“I can easily say that the training benefited me professionally and personally. When I was applying to this program, I expected it would be more or less movement-focused. I was pleasantly surprised by the strong psychological foundation of Bill Plotkin’s personality model, which was an intriguing addition to my knowledge of psychology. At the same time, I learned a great tool for self-exploration and empowerment. I especially enjoyed the experiential learning, the combination of theory and practices (e. g. embodiment, journaling, mindfulness). The training took place in the raw natural environment (the mountain forest), which enhanced the teachings even more and made them impactful and full of conscious actions. The combination of the insightful and supportive facilitators, amazingly emphatic group, and the presence of the forest made me re-member myself, the connection to others and the nature.
“Positive transformation comes from within indeed, but who and where is this “within”? This program helped me to really find and face my “within”, to shake of some of my most feared feeling, to look at myself as a holistic beautiful system and befriend the 4 cardinal points for my own sake. I now have 4 Knights and 4 Queens to provoke me and guard me in the same tine, and help me become a better and more enlightened human being.
“If you are looking for a mindful connection not only with yourself and nature through body and emotions, but also with other connection-seekers, this experience might be something for you.”
“I feel really blessed to had a chance to participate in “Integration Map” program. For a week I came back to the wild nature and spend precious time in a circle of beautiful human beings. The trainers created a sacred space where I was able to go for a journey to immerse in my inner world – deeper and deeper, looking for all parts of my wholeness – the ones full of wildness, tenderness and beauty and the wounded, scared ones who wants to run away and hide. I welcomed and I hugged them all.”