Erasmus+ Training course
20 - 29 June 2023
Centro Didattico Valpore - Italy
Why Rhizome?
Rhizome has been an 8-days training course for youth workers, trainers, educators, for people who care for people, organized by Teatro Invisibile, a call to experience and gather new knowledge and approaches to be applied in youth work, a chance/challenge to disconnect and interconnect, to forget and learn, to let go some of the stressful structures of human behavior and mis-communication and let a natural spontaneous inner voice to manifest, an opportunity to learn in nature and from nature, by awakening the body, tuning the mind and celebrating the energy of life.
Few words from participants
I reached a comfortable state of emptiness after all these – to me unusual, yet giving a sense of belonging – experiences of human touch. This sea of breathing, pumping, pushing, moving flesh carried an abstract simplicity to me. I experienced community, and, stepping out of the circle, I understood that in the end, I’m always alone. I felt that people really see me, and that I’m already myself, I don’t need to look further.
I learnt as much from nature, the participants and the trainers as from myself. I feel like learning is endless.
The experience for me was very rich. I’ve been able to learn from all of them in terms of knowledge, ideas, sharing and sensitivities. I had the opportunity to reconnect with myself and explore new possibilities within myself and around me. The place (the Valpore forest) was very inspiring and regenerating. I learned a lot from everyone, and left feeling inspired and inspired for my future projects.
The time I had in Valpore was definitely great. And more than great I feel it was fruitful for next in my life. It was -one more time for me- an opportunity to step back from my life/my habits and so on towards the connection with the self, with others and with our environnement. This time it was not that in the mind but somewhere else in the body, not only the body. Let’s say it was really spiritual somehow. It was again an opportunity to understand what’s good for me in life and what do I want to have in my life.
It was an opening, enstrenghtening and inspiring experience, it made me confront myself with important personal issues and made me feel safe and belonging.
Deeply transformative, this training allowed me to touch a wilder and freer side to myself that has the capacity to transform energy into focused action.
Nourishing, nurturing, inspiring!
This experience was full of life and peace of mind! Disconnecting and connecting with my inner, retreating body and mind. Learning through nature, interact with other people out of the stressful structure of human behaviour we are use to, help each other, give and receive!
This experience has brought out some emotions. It has helped me in my daily life to become more open, connected and present in the work as well as personal relationships. I have learned to approach all conversations more conciously. It was a very positive and mind openning opportunity.
– Nature based activities
– Somatic and kinesthetic learning, holistic based education and body expression
– Creative expression through art: clay modeling, poem writing, drawing
– Contact Improvisation, Playfight, Tuning scores
– Different nuances of Yoga, The Art of Doing Nothing
– Movement-Breath-Meditation, energizing the body mind system.
Main topics
– Learning and drawing inspiration from Nature
– Vulnerability: connecting with our inner self, beyond daily masks and armors
– Body-mind connection: embodiment of concepts, attitudes, qualities
– Creativity: encouraging body and mind to explore and express the inner beauty waiting to be awakened
– Connection, inclusion and transformation: cultivating empathy and carefulness towards others and environment, becoming a source of positive transformation for the community

Who was this training for?
This training has been designed for youth workers, trainers, educators, NGO leaders, and more generally for people who have been willing to:
- be and learn in Nature
- spend time outdoor, no matter the weather!
- spend one week within a tiny community of participants who take care of their common space and time
- explore and experiment with body based methods, movement, dance, contact improvisation, playfight, creative expression
- gather new tools and inspirations for their work and activities with youngsters

Who did apply?
We had 22 participants from Italy, Slovenia, France, Germany, Spain, Cyprus, Poland, Latvia & Greece.

Antonio Cargnello
Antonio is a passionate trainer who loves to craft experiences for self
development, group awareness, creative expression and pursuit of a
wise and joyful freedom. He facilitates workshops for teenagers,
students, youth workers and adults, using and mixing his expertise and
experiences from theatrical improvisation, contemporary dance,
martial arts and contact improvisation.

Sara Celeghin
Sara is a wood sculptor, actress and puppeteer. She develops local and international projects that mix art with social topics. She works with partner acrobatic, aerial silks, body expression, drawing, improvisation and theater as tools to overcome limits and explore human potential through embodied processes.

Kristaps Ditke
Kristaps focuses on facilitating the human battery recharge and looking for healthy ways of energy discharge while putting the energy into meaningful expressions that leads towards self development and enthusiasm towards life in general. Kristaps is also Sudarshan Kriya instructor.

Patricia Vrbos
Patricia is a Kinesiologyst, her learning and growth has always been through movement. After swimming, she continued development through Yoga and various training courses.
Through holistic approach to personal development, she helps people feel in tune with themselves and their bodies.