Teatro Invisibile

Summer NESTival

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Yoga, Contact improvisation, acrobatica aerea, acroyoga, meditazione, storytelling, danza, scrittura creativa…

Yoga, Contact improvisation, aerial dance, acroyoga, meditation, storytelling, dance, creative writing…


Il 10 e 11 Luglio Nest ospiterà un breve ma intenso festival di workshop espressivi ed artistici diventando il nido ideale per uno scambio di pratiche, idee, sinergie.

On the 10th and 11th of July Nest will host a brief but intense festival of expressive and artistic workshops, becoming the space for the exchange of practices, ideas and synergies.


La quota di partecipazione per NESTival è di 50€ e comprende tutti i workshop in programma. Il numero massimo di participanti è di 15 (esclusi i trainer). È possibile pernottare a NEST.

The fee for NESTival is 50 and includes all workshops scheduled. Max number of participants is set to 15. Accomodation is available in NEST.

Sarà possibile pranzare e cenare a NEST con un contributo di 5€ a pasto.

You can have lunch and dinner at NEST with a contribution of 5€ per meal.


Per informazioni specifiche: info @ spazionest.org

Request informations at info @ spazionest.org


Ecco l’elenco, ancora provvisorio, dei trainer che hanno gia confermato la loro partecipazione:

Here is the list, still provisional, of the trainers who have already confirmed their participation:


Jana Stara (Rep. Ceca)

Antonio Cargnello (Italia)

Kristaps Ditke (Lettonia)

Sabrina Felli (Italia)

Silvia Zotto (Italia)

Sara Celeghin (Italia)



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h 16.30-17.00

h 17.00-18.30

h 19.00-20.30

h 20.45-21.45

h 22.00-23.30

h 23.45-00.15



Opening circle

Walking the wheel of Wellness 1 (Jana Stara)

The presence of touch, the dynamic of contact (Antonio Cargnello)


Creative storytelling (Sara Celeghin)

Night meditation (Kristaps Ditke)


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h 7.00-8.00

h 8.15-8.45

h 9.00-11.00

h 11.00-12.30

h 12.45-13.30

h 13.30-17.00

h 17.00-18.30

h 18.30-19.30

h 19.30-21.30

h 21.30-22.00

h 22.00-….




Awakening through meditation and Yoga (Kristaps Ditke)

5 Rhythms dance (Antonio Cargnello)

Breakfast – Free time

Introduction to aerial dance (Silvia Zotto)

Folk dances

Lunch – Free time

Walking the wheel of Wellness 2 (Jana Stara)


Collective cooking for celebrative dinner

Closing circle

Goodbye Jam





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